Our Music Programs

Colorado AMP Develops

Instrumentalists & Vocalists

Sound Recording Engineers

Ensemble & Theater Performers

Stage Technicians

Private Lessons

At Colorado AMP our private lessons are a great opportunity for musicians of any skill level to receive one on one instruction.  Our teaching staff provide knowledgeable, professional, and friendly instruction that is fun and challenging.  These lessons are an excellent opportunity for your child to receive custom instruction to help better prepare them for musical performances.

We offer private lessons for $128 a month. To register, please scan the QR code or visit this link.

Group Lessons

Our group lessons are a great opportunity for beginner musicians to learn in a friendly and low pressure environment.  Lessons occur every other week and cover either guitar or piano.  Our group lessons are given by our expert instructors and are an excellent opportunity for your child to receive instruction in a fun and low pressure environment.

After-School Band Program

Our after-school band program during the regular school year meets once per week from 4:00-5:30pm (scheduled on an individual basis) and participants will learn songs and work together as a band. Students will learn to play various instruments, music theory, ear-training, individual and group performance, recording and production, music history and more. Students in this program will be placed with a group of peers that fit their musical preferences and skill level.

Who is this program for?

Pre-teens and teens who are musically-minded or just musically-inclined. Colorado AMP will foster the creativity of budding musicians or those interested in the music business in general.  Our aim is simple: we focus first on making sure participants are successful in school, followed by in-depth guidance through musical landscapes leading them to professional level musicianship. 

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Get updates about various instruments, music theory, ear-training, individual and group performance, recording and production, music history and much more.